In classification we analyze a subject by arranging it into groups or categories rather than separate parts. Here are some examples:
Apartments: kinds of apartments
Liberal arts
Biologists classify Vertebrates:
Each class represents a major portion in your essay. Each needs to be defined and described, with as many examples as needed for clarity. Each must be carefully differentiated from the others when any possibility of confusion occurs.
Always use one principle of classification. Cars can be analyzed by engine size, manufacturer, price, body style, etc. Analyze only one of the many classifications that are available in order to avoid being inconsistent.
Acknowledge any complications. When classifying people or groups, remember that this is a necessary but artificial assignation, no one is a complete introvert, or complete a conservative, or a total liberal. You are classifying them in order to make some sort of point (hopefully!) not just to stereotype them. We never write a paper that does not have an argumentative purpose. Your point of view must be convincing and stated clearly in the thesis.
Examples of a classification thesis:
Good politicians in this country are vastly outnumbered by the bad and mediocre.
Every major religion in the United States has a similar concept of God.
The distinctions among normal drinkers, heavy drinkers, and alcoholics are dangerously vague.
Only one kind of television program makes any appeal to the viewer’s intelligence.
As the observant beachcomber moves from the tidal area to the upper beach to the sandy dunes, rich variations in marine life become apparent. (Obviously, this essay is going to be about different kinds of marine life)
Although most people focus on the dangers associated with the disposal of toxic waste in the land and ocean, incineration of toxic matter may pose an even more serious threat to human life. (this one is focused on methods of disposal)
Suggested topics:
television doctors, snobbishness, drug users, people at a concert or sporting event, methods of making excuses, cashiers in supermarkets, clothing, parents, love, hate, laziness, new programs or commentators, freshman English students, managers or coaches of athletic teams, ambition, summer jobs, pessimists, optimists, attitudes towards Christmas, attitudes toward money, attitudes toward sex
See pgs. 279-80 in Longman under classification for more potential topics
Parameters for the classification essay:
This essay is written in class on Wed. March 18
Essay must be at least 500 words
Must have a six to ten sentence Introduction paragraph
Thesis must appear as the last sentence in the introduction
Topic sentences must appear clearly as the FIRST sentence of each body paragraph.
Provide appropriate supporting details in each paragraph (Your essay must provide evidence of cohesion)
Must have a conclusion
Remember to double-space text
Use MLA style heading
Do not use contractions, ask rhetorical questions, or use the personal pronoun
Follow the rules on capitalizing your title