Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Narrative Essay DSPW 0800

Writing a Narrative
DSPW 0800

When you write a narrative essay, you are writing a story. Your story may be personal, historical, or even fictional (made up). Stories are almost always told in chronological order. There is a beginning, a middle, and an end. Narratives need a thesis as the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The three body paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence (which introduces the topic of that paragraph). The conclusion of your narrative should summarize the main points of your story and/or restate your thesis using different words.

See page 175 in Writing First for examples of transitional words and phrases that will help your readers follow your story. For example: After, finally, now, meanwhile. These transitional words indicate that time is passing, so they are useful for keeping your narrative organized.

Read the narrative “Reflections” on pages 175-76 if you would like to see an example.
Handwrite or type a one-page narrative essay on the topic “your idea of a perfect day.” Follow the rules of writing found in the handout Requirements of the College Essay. The narrative is due on Tuesday, February 3. This essay is only a homework grade.